Dr. Todd Woods

Dr. Woods has been practicing since 2002 after graduating from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. Following graduation, he practiced in Australia in a very busy practice gaining valuable hands on experience which he found incredibly beneficial in addition to the skills learned through chiropractic college. He has since practiced in St. Catharines, Hamilton and Edmonton, before settling permanently in Peterborough. “Peterborough is such an amazing city, with fantastic people and an unbelievable quality of life,” says Dr. Woods. With an upbringing surrounded by sports, Dr. Woods has a great interest in treating athletes of any level, from weekend warriors to professionals. With the use of Active Release Technique (ART) treatment of soft tissue injuries (muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, fascia, etc.), Dr. Woods has been able to effectively treat athletes of many levels to return to activities faster or perform at maximal efficiency. “I have had the great pleasure of working with so many athletes from all different levels,” says Dr. Woods, “from shinny hockey players to NHL players, from weekly runners and cyclists to Iron Man triathlon competitors. From people just trying to get out walking to high level competitive gymnasts. Working with athletes is truly a passion for me, as I love getting them to a higher level of performance, or treating injuries to allow them to compete.” High level athletes can benefit from treatment by not only alleviating injuries, but by allowing them to perform personal bests, which can mean the difference from finishing to finishing on the podium. “Once you get to high level athletics, the majority of competitors are very close in skill level, so any increase in performance can have a huge impact on the outcome.” Dr. Woods also works very closely with young athletes in Peterborough, since performance is desired but also to make sure that any injuries at a young age can be treated properly to stop the progression of injuries as they mature. Many adults can look back at what they did as a child/youth and relate what they are feeling now. From a shoulder or knee injury that was not treated, to feeling the area now as they are working or being with family. Dr. Woods is invested in treating these young athletes to try to minimize the later effects of injuries, especially the ones that would have gone untreated, as well as, of course, having them perform to their ability. His athletic background can also be seen while working with any of his patients, making sure that they are performing stretches, strengthening/stabilizing exercises properly and regularly to maximize the effects of his treatments and to speed recovery. He has also had additional training in nutrition to be able to aid his patients with decision making when it comes to meal plans and supplements. Although sports are a big part of his life and practice, Dr. Woods also greatly enjoys working with patients from all walks of life. Some of the most enjoyment he gets is from having someone return and report that due to treatment they can lift their grandchild again. “The affect of pain on your life is greater than you think, it really does effect everything you do. Alleviating pain allows you to be a better spouse, partner, friend, parent, grand parent, employee, etc.” says Dr. Woods, “It is so fantastic when a patient returns, and they can say that they have been able to do something that was limited by their pain or injury. It is most likely the best part of practicing for me.” From working with nearly 100 year olds to treating 5 day old babies, he enjoys working with each and every patient. Dr. Woods is full body certified, including nerve entrapements, in Active Release Technique (ART), a gold standard soft tissue treatment technique. In order to stay certified in ART, Dr. Woods is restested and recertified every year to maintain the high level of skill demanded of ART practitioners. “Of all the courses and training I have done since graduating, I can honestly say that ART certification is the one thing that has most benefited my patients. Being able to treat the surrounding soft tissues through ART, as well as, using chiropractic adjustments to treat the joints has greatly decreased the recovery time of my patients,” comments Dr. Woods. “It has also allowed me to more efficiently treat soft tissue injuries such as: ligament sprains, muscle strains, tendon injuries, overuse injuries, nerve entrapments (carpal tunnel, sciatica, etc.), as compared to practicing before I completed my ART training. I treated for a number of years before using ART, and I can certainly see in my patients a decrease in healing time, and an increase in the number of injuries I can treat.” Dr. Woods completed his acupuncture certification in 2011, from McMaster University, and has been using it as a stand alone treatment or in conjunction with other forms of treatment. He has been amazed at the effects that acupuncture can have, even if the results can not always be explained by our western medicine minds. “Acupuncture has been used for around 2500 years, although now with much safer methods (disposable, sterile, surgical grade single use needles, compared with bamboo or bone initially), while most of the methods used in North America are much younger. It has been interesting to see the effects of these treatments, which can not always be explained by my education at CMCC or university.” Dr. Woods is settled in Peterborough permanently. “After practicing across the country as well as in Australia, I truly love it here. The healthy lifestyle that the area promotes, as well as the amazing people, make this the place that I want to spend my life and share experiences with my family,” Dr. Woods says. He has an amazing wife, a daughter and twin boys to share the excitement that the area has to offer. They enjoy being outside whenever possible waterskiing, downhill skiing, running, biking, hiking, swimming, etc.. Dr. Woods also enjoys the strong hockey community to continue his passion for the game, and any other athletic endeavor that may come up. He is very proud of the team at Definitive Chiropractic and Wellness Centre. “I have surrounded myself with practitioners who are driven by their desire to help patients. Whether that be a personal best at an athletic competition, being able to walk or pick up their kids without pain, or perform a good job at work, we are all focussed on the goal of the patient to maximize their life. I love going to work each day not only because of the amazing patients that I have the privilege to treat, but also due to the amazing staff and practitioners at the clinic!”
Rachael Ireland, Registered Massage Therapist

I started my education in health care in 2017 at Ontario Tech University where I completed a Bachelor of Science in biological science. This program taught me all about the human body and led to the pursuit of becoming an RMT. In the spring of 2023, I graduated for Sir Sanford Fleming College with an Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy.
Growing up as an athlete I had a lot of injuries, this led to me wanting to learn how to treat and prevent them. This resulted in my passion for wanting to do the same for others. My goal is to help those with injuries heal and return to function and daily activities. I also want to educate on the importance of regular exercise and home care in injury healing, maintenance, and prevention.
I look forward to treating you!
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